Brook Vessons
An extraordinarily atmospheric place, with a wonderful feeling of antiquity on the edge of The Stiperstones.
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Wild About Gardens
Talking about Rudolph
Reindeer are the most wintery of species, splendidly adapted to life in the coldest of climates but have you ever wondered about the natural history behind that smug-looking red-nosed creature on…
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Warty venus
This bumpy shell lives up to its name and lives partly buried in the seabed along the west coast of Great Britain.
Things you can do about climate change
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Water avens
Look for Water avens in damp habitats, such as riversides, wet woodlands and wet meadows. It has nodding, purple-and-orange flowers that hang on delicate, purple stems.
Wood avens
Look for wood avens along hedgerows and in woodlands. Its yellow flowers appear in spring and provide nectar for insects; later, they turn to red, hooked seedheads that can easily stick to a…