Blog: Climate Change



Lack of progress made for nature at COP27

We cannot restore nature without tackling climate change, and we cannot tackle climate change without restoring nature, yet very little progress was made at COP27 in improving the protection and…

Sunsetting over peatland

A bleak countdown to COP27

The countdown is on, with one month to go until countries around the world, including the UK, attend international climate negotiations in Sharm El-Sheikh, Eygpt – referred to as COP27. These…

Shropshire Love Nature logo

Why have the Shropshire Love Nature Festival?

Times of crisis call for one thing and one thing only: action. There’s absolutely no point in sitting back and letting the support system that we so depend on collapse around us. Now is the time…

NWR habitats map

North West Road consultation starts

The public consultation process has now started for the Shrewsbury North West Road. Our Climate Change expert Robin Mager explains why we need to fight the plans.


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