(c) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Get involved with nature
There are so many ways to make a difference
No matter what it is about nature and wildlife that inspires you, we've got something for all ages to get involved with...there is always plenty to discover!
Nature needs our help, and we need nature's help if we are to have a sustainable world where we all thrive. So to play our part in this, it is important to develop our connection with nature, as by doing so we're more likely to take action for nature.
Connecting with nature takes all forms, from tuning in to the sights and sounds of nature, taking a moment to feel calm in nature, creating wildlife art, learning more, helping with wildlife projects and even giving nature a voice when it needs it most.
By encouraging people to connect with nature we hope more people will take meaningful action for nature and the climate concerns.
Whether you want to volunteer, attend an event, campaign for wildlife or get involved as a school, get in touch to learn more.
What does nature mean to you?
What Does Nature Mean To Me? (https://youtu.be/iw91CAWTbA0?feature=shared)
A Nextdoor Nature Community Film: with thanks to the Heritage Fund UK
Join in the fun!
We also have a whole range of events, actions and challenges that anyone of any age can take part in whether by yourself or with friends, colleagues or family.