(c) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Letting verges bloom
Roadside verges are nature havens!
Roadside verges need to be managed differently so that they provide food sources for declining insect populations, refuge for amphibians and reptiles and habitat for small mammals.
They also act as corridors, linking nature spaces together and enabling animals like hedgehogs to move around feeding sites and to search for a mate. There are 1000's of miles of roadside verges in Shropshire and they could all be of huge benefit to our wildlife, contributing to our vision of a Nature Recovery Network.
Restoring verges in Shropshire
We are supporting an ambitious project to restore miles of roadside verges to grassland habitat across the county.
The project is run in collaboration with Caring for Gods Acre, The National Trust and numerous local action groups and parishes.

(c) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
What does the partnership aim to achieve?
• Undertake survey and mapping work to establish the status and location of verges.
• Continue the practical management of demonstration verges throughout south Shropshire and beyond.
• Education of wider public about the value of wildflower-rich grassland and how ‘neat and tidy’ is not always the best thing for wildlife.
• Engage volunteers in a very positive way and develop a volunteer base.
• Develop a pilot project on the use of verge arisings in an anaerobic digester.
• Continued developing liaison and relationships with organisations such as Marches Meadow Group, National Trust, Community Wildlife Groups and Caring for God’s Acre
• Promote to other groups to start up similar projects in the county, the group are always looking for new members.
The group also aims to influence local councils and parishes to manage roadside verges differently, for the benefit of wildlife.
To find out more about the project, watch the video below:
Follow the project on social media:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ShropsVerge
Twitter: @ShropsVerge
Some of the species that will benefit from this project include:
Examples of the plants that can thrive along verges:
Find out more
How can you help?
You don't have to have a verge to help wildlife! At home, there are all sorts of things you can do to help wildlife. Leaving a patch in your garden to grow wild or planting a window box with wildflowers will make a difference.