New poll finds most people think main parties falter on nature and climate crises in the run up to General Election
Shropshire Wildlife Trust urges all parties to heed voter concern and pledge bold action on the twin emergencies
Shropshire Wildlife Trust urges all parties to heed voter concern and pledge bold action on the twin emergencies
Climate action needs nature. Nature needs climate action. Neither will succeed if we don’t prepare for a changing world
Seeds of hope planted but root and branch change on mammoth scale still needed, say The Wildlife Trusts.
Survey of top retailers: only one of 20 says they will eliminate peat this year
Two-year delay to England peat strategy as damage continues to vital carbon stores.
The Government has announced that the Environment Bill has been further delayed – and rolled over into the next parliamentary session. This is extremely disappointing news for wildlife and our…
A team of over 100 volunteers from across Shropshire, including businesses, councils, and community groups, have responded to the climate emergency by producing a plan for Shropshire. The Plan…
With one in seven species in the UK now at risk of extinction and 58% of species in decline, The Wildlife Trusts have long called for ambitious new laws to allow nature to recover. Ensuring a…
The Government’s landmark Environment Bill finally returned to Parliament last week.
Concern for the environment is at a record high. Over a quarter of Britons now cite it as one of the top three issues facing the country. The amazing uprising of young people this year sparked a…