Marches Mosses BogLIFE Project shortlisted for International Award
This year, The Marches Mosses BogLIFE Project is just one of 6 projects that have been shortlisted internationally for the award. The public vote opens at 10:00pm (UK time) on Tuesday, 6 September…
Restoring the Marches Mosses to help the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis
John Box, member of the SWT Carbon and Climate Group, talks about how recreating bogs can help in slowing climate change with the help of BogLIFE Project Manager Robert Duff.
Wilder Marches
Moths on the Mosses
With over 100 species of moths found on the Moss, I was keen to go to the moth trapping and photography event at Whixall Moss in July and have the opportunity to see some of these beautiful,…
Wilder Marches - Oswestry Branch
Renee Wallace, Landscape Advisor to the Wilder Marches project, will talk about Shropshire's Nature Recovery project, including information about funding opportunities for landowners to…
A Celebration of the Insects of the Mosses - Newport Branch
Barry Probin explores a year on the Mosses looking at dragonflies, damselflies, beetles, moths, butterflies and more.
Sphagnum moss
Sphagnum mosses carpet the ground with colour on our marshes, heaths and moors. They play a vital role in the creation of peat bogs: by storing water in their spongy forms, they prevent the decay…
New Welsh-English project to restore nature and boost rural prosperity across historic Marches
Today a group of Wildlife Trusts launch Wilder Marches – an ambitious nature recovery project across two countries, four counties and three major river catchments. Shropshire, Herefordshire,…
Ordinary moss
Ordinary moss is very common in gardens and woodlands. moss provides shelter for many minibeasts, so encourage it to grow in your garden by providing logs, stone piles and untidy areas.
Marsh hair moss
The marsh hair moss is the largest moss in the UK. Look out for it in damp woodland and on boggy heathlands where it forms large, green and spikey 'cushions'.
Sunflowers power £2million for nature’s recovery
Wildlife friendly farm, which grows wild bird seed, and 100 acres of sunflowers, celebrates raising £2 million for wildlife conservation.