Shropshire Wildlife Trust Blog



Dr Cath’s Nature Notes – May

May is a month of blooming. The early signs of spring are past, gone for another year, but May brings a fullness of new growth, with everything seeming to be hurrying along towards summer.

Red kite over farmland

Farming with nature

Regenerative Agriculture is now the buzz word in the farming world. It emerged from the term ‘sustainable intensification’ the implication being that activities were sustained or maintained as…

James and Kirstie Brittain-McVey holding their dog Moochie

Dog walkers can lead the way

The calls of ground nesting birds such as curlew and skylark are evocative of the countryside in Spring. But their numbers are in dramatic decline and their nesting grounds are vulnerable to…

Common frog

Dr Cath’s Nature Notes April 2022

April’s here, and spring is ‘bustin’ out all over’. Trees are coming into leaf with a lovely haze of freshest green on the birches and willows, cherry trees are in blossom and the sun is bringing…

Swifts (c) Piotr Szczypa (1)

Swift return

Spring comes slowly, moving up from the south hour by hour, as the globe spins in its orbit. So it is that migratory birds arrive at their breeding destinations earlier or later, depending on how…
