Shropshire Wildlife Trust Blog


A stoat standing on a rock, one paw raised as it contemplates running

Marvellous mustelids

Mammal expert Stuart Edmunds introduces this incredible collection of carnivores.

Crayfish survey in the Corvedale - Phil & Luke

Restoring rivers one bank at a time

Restoring rivers is proving to be a good thing for wildlife and the people who manage the land surrounding them. Deputy Land and Water Team Manager, Luke Neal, writes about one of this year's…

Badger cub autumn

What do badgers do in the winter?

Unlike hedgehogs and dormice, badgers don't go into hibernation during the winter in the UK. But they do go into a period called "winter lethargy", which is probably something we…


Dr Cath’s Nature Notes – November

It’s beginning to feel as though winter is closing in on us. The clocks have changed, the nights are longer and there’s an indefinable sadness in the air, but every season has its own beauty, so…

Comma on ivy

The importance of ivy

Ivy is often a misunderstood plant, accused of being a tree strangler and invader that takes over whole habitats at will if left untamed. But it is much more valuable than you might think.


The importance of Autumn berries and seeds

Say “autumn” to someone with an interest in the natural world and there’s a good chance that person will immediately think of shortening days, falling temperatures, leaves changing colour before…
