Rock dove

Rock dove/Feral pigeon

©Bertie Gregory/2020VISION

Rock dove

The wild rock dove is the ancestor to what is probably our most familiar bird - the feral pigeon, which is often found in large numbers in our towns and cities.

Scientific name

Columba livia

When to see

January to December

Species information


Length: 31-34cm
Wingspan: 66cm
Weight: 300g
Average lifespan: 3 years
Common. Classified in the UK as Green under the Birds of Conservation Concern 5: the Red List for Birds (2021).


The wild, 'pure' rock dove is the ancestor of all domesticated and feral pigeons. It is now only found around rocky sites and cliffs in remote areas. It was originally domesticated to provide food, but soon found its way into our towns and cities, farmland and woodlands. Feral pigeons now breed almost everywhere, except in upland areas.

How to identify

The feral pigeon is familiar to us as the grey-blue bird of our towns and cities. It comes in all shades, from pale grey to cinnamon brown, with some even resembling the wild rock dove perfectly. Feral pigeons are smaller than woodpigeons, but larger than collared doves. They look similar to stock doves, but the latter has a pinker breast, darker rump and black edges to its wings.


The wild rock dove is now only found on the coasts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The domesticated version, the feral pigeon, is found everywhere.

Did you know?

As well as being pets, domesticated pigeons have been used as homing and carrier pigeons for years, often taking messages back and forth during wartime. Many pigeons even received medals for bravery and service during the World Wars.
Feral pigeon

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Feral pigeon

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