Rivers, streams and other fresh water pools and lakes are crucial to sustain life on our beautiful planet. Many of our rivers are not in the best of health, struggling with pollution and loss of natural features. Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Land and Water Team works for river and catchment recovery throughout the county.
Our vision is to see our wild waters flourish, in both urban and rural areas. This will benefit both wildlife and people and provide us with:
- A clean and plentiful water supply
- Protection against flood and drought
- Places to play, relax and enjoy
- Waterways that can adapt to the pressures that the future will bring
- Good quality habitats for wildlife
Wildlife and habitats
Shropshire is criss-crossed with ribbons of beautiful rivers, brooks and streams, dotted with ponds, and boasts an incredible and unique wetland network in the north of the county, made up of meres and lowland peat bogs, with the Shropshire Union Canal winding through this landscape. These habitats are home to an array of wildlife such as fish, kingfishers, otters, dragonflies, demoiselles, sand martins and dippers.
What can you do?
In a world of nature and climate crisis it can be difficult to work out how to help our blue network thrive. No matter what size your local watercourse is, it needs your protection!
Latest Rivers news
Devastating declines must put nature at the top of the political agenda
Shropshire Wildlife Trust give politicians five priorities to support nature recovery.
Project scoops award
The Shropshire Slow the Flow, Natural Flood Management Project took the ‘Studies and Research’ category for the prestigious ICE West…
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