Bwlytai Wood

Bwlytai Wood

Bwlytai Wood

A small wood awash with bluebells and wood anemones in spring


3 miles west of Oswestry, just south of Trefonen village
SY10 9AS

OS Map Reference

What3Words carpark: internet.riverside.storyline
Reserve: logo.hero.crossings
A static map of Bwlytai Wood

Know before you go

2 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Car parking available at Trefonen village hall (SY10 9DY)

Grazing animals

None on site but please be aware of grazing animals on surrounding fields.

Walking trails

Please be sure to shut the gate of the reserve behind you.



From the car park walk down the lane and turn right towards some garages. A footpath takes you over a field. Go through the gate, over a stream and then take a right diagonal across the field to the wood. Please be sure to shut the gate behind you.

Accessibility: Red


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When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July, September to November

About the reserve

This is a small woodland of local interest, given to the Trust by Bridget Gledhill, a former resident of Trefonen. The bluebells and wood anemones that spill over the ground in spring testify that this is an ancient woodland site.

Clear felling some years ago resulted in an invasion of sycamores. Many of these were felled at the turn of the millennium and hundreds of ash, oak, rowan and other broadleaf trees planted. A curious beech tree with branches fused into a window can be found at the top of the wood. A great place to make dens!  

How to get here

Bwlytai Wood is just south of Trefonen. At the crossroads turn down School Lane and park in the village hall car park. Walk down the lane and turn right towards some garages. A footpath takes you over a field. Go through the gate, over a stream and then take a right diagonal across the field to the wood. Please be sure to shut the gate behind you.  

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Location map

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