


A wonderful, local wild place in the heart of Telford & Wrekin, the focus of much community activity.


Lightmoor is on the western fringes of Telford.
A static map of Lightmoor

Know before you go

20 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Car park in the vicinity of TF4 3ST.

Grazing animals

Look out for friendly Norman the Donkey!


Accessibility: Amber

There are numerous ways in, with kissing gates and stiles. From Lightmoor Village centre it is possible to reach parts of the site without obstruction. There are metalled roads, hard surfaces and some grassy surfaces. The site undulates, typical of Telford’s post-industrial landscapes. Some of the spoil mounds are very steep.

Development around the site means that some tracks pass through landscaped green spaces and some along the edges of private gardens.


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

There is something to see all year at Lightmoor

About the reserve

Lightmoor lies on the fringes of urban Telford, surrounded by the thriving communities of Lightmoor village and Doseley. Look around as you walk and you will see the history of this place. Heaps of coal, clay and ironstone waste from the 18th century mines were piled onto the medieval field patterns, and tracks, tramways and an early canal cut across the landscape.

The network of lanes which once connected the brick kilns and blast furnaces leads you into small patches of countryside which escaped the industrial revolution around them. Clumps of bluebells, swathes of yellow archangel and banks of white flowered greater stitchwort are refugees of a former forest, and escapees such as gooseberry, privet and sweet smelling lilac have spread from cottage gardens, up into the tangled woodlands of oak and birch.

Without continued grazing, many of the small fields are now overgrown and neglected.

Great crested newts, toads and frogs live in the ponds and hoof prints of deer are found on the muddy margins of puddles. Badger tracks criss-cross the woodland and their digging brings coal and shale to the surface. The song of chiffchaff, blackbird and robin resound from the old hedgerows; a chuckling magpie or a crooning pigeon from the tree tops.

At the north end of the site a stream idles down through a flood meadow into swampy woodland, full of crack willow and willow herb.

Much community activity takes place at Lightmoor; this has included tree planting, barn owl box installation,wildlife surveys and the creation of a playscape for children.  

How to get to Lightmoor

Use the postcode TF4 3ST to get in to the vicinity of the car park, close to Ellens Bank, Lightmoor - From the A5223 Horsehay Bypass, take the turning on to Wellington Road. After approximately 500m, turn left in to the car park.

On the edge of the housing estate adjacent to the car park is a surfaced lane which is the remains of an old road surrounded by hedgerows. Follow the lane as it runs parallel with Harding Wood road. Follow the lane, over Little Green Avenue, and walk past the old squatter cottage on your left. Keep going until you reach Holywell Lane and cross over using the public footpath which skirts the garden of a bungalow. You have reached the reserve and it can be explored using various paths and surfaced tracks. 

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Location map

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