Pam's Pools

Dexter cow at Pam's Pools

Tim Walter

New pool at Pam's
Pam at Pam's Pools

Pam's Pools

Pam's Pools lie just 5km west of Bridgnorth. We purchased a section of land adjacent the pre-existing permaculture land owned by Pam Yuille in 2019. Former quarry pit lakes are now home to a number of wetland birds, including lapwings and oystercatchers.


Near Bridgnorth
WV16 6TY
A static map of Pam's Pools

Know before you go

40 hectares

Parking information

No parking available except for public events

Grazing animals

Cows and sheep


Accessibility: Green/Amber

There is a mixture of open access, gates, and an occasional stile. If attending a formal event, car parking is within the site and provision is made for disabled parking. The site is grassland. Height of the vegetation will vary with time of year and grazing, but most is relatively short, making walking easy. The woodlands (only open for formal events) can be muddy.

There is no car parking, so the site is best visited during organised events or via the local right of way network.



On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

The only time to visit Pam's Pools is during events and open days.

Best time to visit

Please contact Pam if you intend to visit the site.

Contact us

Pam Yuille