Smalley Hill

Smalley Hill nature reserve

Smalley Hill

This old land fill site is now a popular local walking spot, overlooking Telford.


Church Lane,
New Works

OS Map Reference

SJ 66215 08383
A static map of Smalley Hill

Know before you go

4 hectares

Parking information

Park in the small layby off Church Lane.

Grazing animals

The fields areĀ grazed annually between the periods Sept - February. Please keep dogs on leads.


A public right of way is accessible from the main gate, just off Church Lane, New Works. A public right of way and bridleway crosses the reserve and access is available at all times.


On a lead

Nesting skylarks and grazing animals.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Throughout the year

About the reserve

This old land fill site is now a popular local walking spot, overlooking Telford. A mosaic of grasslands, ponds and hedgerows. The site consists of neutral, ephemeral and rough grassland where localised stands of soft rush and tufted hair grass occur. Mosses Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus and Brachythecium rutabulum are also abundant and great crested newts live in the ponds, along with a variety of dragonflies. Kestrels can often been seen hunting over the site for field voles and wood mice.

The management of Smalley Hill has been made possible thanks to the support of Veolia.

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Location map

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