For the last 2 years or so, Birch Road Pond has been flooded, with the water level about a metre higher than it should be, and all because the outlet was blocked down stream.
Now at last the blockage has been removed, and the water level restored, so we have been able to repair the boardwalks, cut back the overgrown trees, and re-open the reserve to visitors! There are many dragonflies, including the common darter and the southern hawker. Moorhens are usually seen hiding in the vegetation, and herons and ducks are frequent visitors.
If you find yourself in Ellesmere with a bit of time to spare, come to Birch Road Pond at the bottom of the recreation ground in Birch Road, and have a look around for yourself.
Read more about Birch Road Pond Nature Reserve
Thanks must go to Matt Marston (Seed & Spur) and Lizzie Cockle for the boardwalk repairs, and to Gareth Egarr (SWT Reserves Officer), Jane, Anne, Kate and Edward (Ellesmere Branch) for the final work party. FInd out more about our the Ellesmere Branch of Shropshire Wildlife Trust on Facebook.
BRP has been managed by Shropshire Wildlife Trust since April 2005, on 15 year lease from Ellesmere Town Council.
BRP was officially opened 14/04/2007 by Colin Preston (CEO, SWT) and Anne Hartley (then Mayor, Ellesmere Town Council)
BRP water was tested for quality (heavy metals, pesticide residues, etc.) by Wolverhampton University on 04/07/2005 (nothing of concern was found)
BRP was given “Local Nature Reserve” status in February 2020