Rhos Fiddle

Rhos Fiddle

Rhos Fiddle

Wet heath, good for dragonflies and bog plants


Rhos Fiddle
Newcastle on Clun
A static map of Rhos Fiddle

Know before you go

75 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Park in the small pull-in by the cattle grid. There is room for two cars. The postcode SY7 8QT will get you within the vicinity.

Grazing animals


Walking trails

For those unable to walk the tussocky terrain, the big skies and something of the atmosphere of this beautiful place can be appreciated just from the edge of the road.


Terrain can be difficult, please contact the Trust for access information.


On a lead

Grazing animals and ground nesting birds present.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to September

About the reserve

One of the quietest places in Shropshire, this heathland hilltop has a feeling of ancient wildness – a large surviving fragment that has retained its continuity with the past, in striking contrast to much of its surroundings, now vivid green agricultural pastures.

The pools and surrounding wet heath make this a good place for wading birds, particularly curlew and snipe. Dragonflies are plentiful too, including the black darter. Find sphagnum mosses, cotton grass and bog asphodel in the wet bits; in April through to June look in the drier grassland for yellow mountain pansy, once a characteristic plant of many Shropshire’s hilltops but now scarce. For those unable to walk the tussocky terrain, the big skies and something of the atmosphere of this beautiful place can be appreciated from the edge of the road.  

Getting to Rhos Fiddle

The reserve is best accessed from Clun. From Clun, follow the B4368 to Newtown. Continue on this road through Newcastle-on-Clun. From Newcastle-on-Clun, travel approximately 4 miles until you reach a crossroad. Take the right turning towards Crossways/Riddings. You will then reach a T-jucntion; turn right here. After a short while you will reach the cattle grid (signed) and the pull-in.

Contact us

Location map

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