


A mosaic of meadow, stream and woodland within walking distance of Whitchurch centre.


Greenfields Way
SY13 1DG

OS Map Reference

SJ 53170 41532
A static map of Greenfields

Know before you go

2 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Park at the Whitchurch arm of canal car park, Meadowcroft, Whitchurch SY13 1BP

Grazing animals

Yes, at times.

Walking trails

Figure of eight route around the reserve.

Public footpaths from Greenfields Way, the Whitchurch Arm of the Llangollen Canal and from the fields northwest of the reserve.


Exit the car park (Meadowcroft SY13 1BP) on to the surfaced pathway; walk east for a short distance and then turn left at Greenfields Rise road. After 100 yards, the entrance to the reserve is on your left. It is possible to walk through the reserve and exit on to the canal footpath for a circular walk back to the car park.

Accessibility: Amber

There are several kissing gates and stiles and the site it gently undulating which can be soft and muddy in parts.


On a lead

Dog bins on Greenfields Way and the Whitchurch Arm of the Llangollen Canal - please use them!



Accessible trails

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

Nature flows into Whitchurch at Greenfields; its herb-rich pastures luring butterflies, moths and bees. It is a fragment of old farmland, too steep to plough up and change. Follow the figure-of-eight footpath up and down the reserve through wooded patches awash with bluebells in spring and into a sunny glade where green woodpeckers lick ants from anthills.

Pignut, fleabane and cuckoo flower – these once common flowers are not so familiar today, but at Greenfields you can find them. Look, too, for the bright blue flowers of brooklime at the stream’s edges and in marshy areas; and listen for water voles – this is one of the few remaining places in Shropshire where you may still hear them plopping into the water. Please keep dogs under control, especially when livestock are present.   

How to get to Greenfields

Turn off the Whitchurch bypass towards the town centre at the roundabout with the A525 [Wrexham road]. Take the first left and left again at the mini-roundabout into the car park off Meadowcroft. From the car park, walk down the bank and follow the footpath towards the town centre past a picnic area. The reserve is across the brook from this path. When you reach a road, take a look at the water vole interpretation panel before turning to your left, The reserve entrance is some 50m along on the left.

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