Get your teams together to enjoy 'Wilder Work Days'
Shropshire Wildlife Trust has been taking corporate/business employees out to enjoy experiences in the great outdoors for many years.
There are many reasons why businesses choose to give their staff ‘time out’ with us, but the main motivations (and benefits) are often centred around one or more of:
- Team building
- Making community links
- Improving mental wellbeing.
Studies have shown additional benefits to engaging in this kind of activity to include higher productivity, better staff retention and reduced absence.
We offer a variety of Wilder Work Day experiences, depending on the season including one or a combination of:
- Habitat management is the most popular e.g. tree and scrub work, meadow creation/management, pond restoration, etc.)
- Guided walks
- Green woodworking
- Charcoal burning
- Guided tree climbing
We can also develop with you, a more bespoke day or programme of days to suit your business's needs.
Costs to cover our administration, supervision of the day, etc. start at £79/head.
Please get in touch with Craig and Wendy for more information at