Jon Hawkins
How are we funded
Shropshire Wildlife Trust is a charity (and therefore not-for-profit) which means every penny raised is spent on delivering our charitable work - nature conservation in Shropshire. We rely on the support of our members, donors, funders and corporate partners to deliver our work.
We are a registered charity number 212744.
Shropshire Wildlife Trust receives two main types of income: restricted (for specific projects) and unrestricted (for the ongoing delivery of our charitable objectives).
The vast majority of grant schemes restrict their funding and if we are successful in securing funding, we are completely restricted to spending it on the items as dictated by the funding contract. If we choose to spend the money on something else, we would be in breach of our contract and would have to return the money.
The Trust draws on a variety of funding sources to cover the costs of conservation projects, education and awareness work, and to manage our network of nature reserves.

Annual Review
At the end of each financial year we produce an Annual Review to celebrate our successes.