Birds - Dawn Chorus and Survey at Pam’s Pools

Open Day Pam's Pools Eco-Cabin

Birds - Dawn Chorus and Survey at Pam’s Pools

Pam's Pools, Underton, Bridgnorth, WV16 6TY
Come along for a walk around Pam's Pools, looking and listening for birds with guidance and insights from bird expert Andy Spenser followed by a delicious vegetarian cooked breakfast.

Event details


5:00am - 9:00am
A static map of Birds - Dawn Chorus and Survey at Pam’s Pools

About the event

Andy Spenser is a very experienced ornithologist and a BTO registered bird-ringer. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the dawn chorus with like-minded bird lovers and access to an expert in the field. Cooked vegetarian breakfast will be served in the eco-cabin at 08.00 during which our results will be discussed.

In view of the very early start, those attending may wish to camp or park a campervan by the eco-cabin the night before and there is also limited accommodated in Pam’s cottage, free of charge. If enough folk are interested, we can repeat last years “bring and share” supper.



£15 to include cooked vegetarian breakfast with reduction for helpers.

Additional booking information

Book by emailing Pam on or phoning 07793939291, no texts.

Know before you go


No dogs permitted

What to bring

Sturdy footwear is needed and binoculars and a bird-book if possible.


Parking information

To be issued on booking.