How much have landscapes in the Clun Valley changed?

Two images of Lower Spoad Farm 70 years apart

How much have landscapes in the Clun Valley changed?

Clun Methodist Hall , High Street, Clun, Shropshire, SY7 8JB
How much have landscapes in the Clun Valley changed?
Does it matter?
Can geographic data inform plans for nature recovery?

Event details


7:30pm - 9:00pm
A static map of How much have landscapes in the Clun Valley changed?

About the event

In 2019, Clunbury Parish Council set up a Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Group, who, in connection to the Nature Recovery Network project, have been mapping natural habitat in 1km squares, using the schema introduced by the Wildlife Trust in 2021. In comparing the current habitats with old maps of the parish, the Group has identified some changes over time, including missing hedgerows.

John Bibby will talk about this work and the potential significance of changing landscapes in the Clun Valley.

There will also be a 10 minute talk on Rookeries, given by John Tucker.

Fairtrade refreshments available.



Members £4, non members £5, Students - Free

Additional booking information

Booking not required - pay on entry

Know before you go




Contact us

Mary Eminson
Contact number: 07974 772754