Affiliated local groups

The Friends of Pontesford Hill
The group was formed in 2015 to coordinate fundraising for the successful purchase of Pontesford Hill.
They now work with Shropshire Wildlife Trust to manage the site, organising work parties and regular talks throughout the year.
For information, news and details of activities, visit their website.
Contact: Mike Mortimer (chair)
Email: mike.mortimer@gmail.com
The Friends of Whitcliffe Common
A very active group, they manage Whitcliffe Common Nature Reserve.
Throughout the year volunteers organise work parties at the site, ensuring it is enjoyable for visitors but retains high quality habitats for wildlife.
For information, news and details of activities, visit their website.
Contact: Daphne Jones (chair)
Email: daphjones3@hotmail.com
Shropshire Geological Society
The Society organises lectures, field excursions, exhibitions and displays about the local landscapes, rocks, geological features and fossils of Shropshire - new members welcomed - they welcome professionals, interested amateurs and those with no previous knowledge.
For details about the group, including events, visit their website.
Contact: Mary Steer (chair)
Email: eric.steer1@btopenworld.com
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Other groups and organisations we work with
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